Monday, November 3, 2008

Go With the Flow

Don't fight the current. Go with the downstream path. If it feels wrong, don't fight it. If it feels good, go with it. -Patrice Karst

I've had a lot of "Everything happens for a reason" realizations recently. I really do think 2008 has been my year. Things seem to be going my way. I've learned a lot. I've found myself happier and more carefree than I have ever been. I know how to choose positivity. Plus, good things are happening in most parts of my life. I feel closer to people. I know what I'm doing in terms of school and work. I don't know exactly where I'm going, but it feels okay.

Now I'm wondering if the one thing that doesn't feel right is not necessarily part of the "good things in my life that will eventually happen when the time is right." Perhaps it's a test. I've come this far; will I let one thing completely turn over everything I've worked for?

I asked for a sign, and today I got one. I don't know what will happen after May 2009, but I'm putting the outcome in the hands of fate. Maybe playing it safe was always my weakness. Maybe I should stop setting limits.. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. :)

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