Monday, July 28, 2008

The Most Writing I've Done Since I Returned From Italy

Yesterday i saw a spider in my bathtub. Aware of the wax coating that prevents a spider to die from drowning, I proceeded to turn the water on full blast and force the asshole down the drain. 2 minutes after the water emptied, the spider had climbed up out of the drain once again. I repeated the act twice more before being over it. The spider looked half limp as the legs on one side of his body were flat against the tub. He was struggling to move. Perhaps his legs were sleeping. Since the water wouldn't kill him, I thought maybe heat would. I turned on my hair dryer and tried to blast the shit out of him. Then i realized i might've just helped in his recovery.

I left my bathroom. When I came back the same night, he was gone.

I'm afraid of retaliation. I tried to explain to the spider beforehand that I wasn't trying to kill him. I just wanted him to leave me alone. I'm not sure if he understood though. Now I sleep with one eye open.

I should've learned my lesson from the nursery rhyme.